Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mary, August 29th, 2010 We went to church...Yeah

Yeah ...we finally got to go to church. It has been such a long time for us. We got the help of people to help put her in the van  and then at church they helped up get her out and then the reverse order to go home. I was really  great we got to see everyone, but Mary was wiped out when we got home...she slept along time. It was good for her to get out and visit with everyone at church for sure and the kids came up and visited with her...and her face lite up and she was ear to ear with smiles. I was glad to see her so happy.

Mary August 16th, 2010 she got new BANANA LEGS

Mary got her some new legs ...we call them BANANA SPLIT...too cute. I got to see her legs when they cut the other cast off. I was amazed to see how much muscle mass she had lost. The incisions were looking good and healing well...all 6 cuts.

Mary August 2010...She got a special care package.....

Mary recieved a special care package from a friend from New Bern, NC who was kind enough and sent her some goodies. It really ment alot and it was super nice of Kim and her daughter to be so loving and send it to Mary.

Mary August 6th, 2010 At Shriners for first Cast Stretching

Mary got her first cast was scary for both of us...I had to hold her down as the tech cut her cast into and H cut. She now looks like rainbow brite...haha. She got a purple heart shaped pillow with Hard Rock Cafe' on it...pretty cool. The cute thing is Mary had to have the blue gloves on too..if you look closely you will see one of her hands.

Mary July 29th, 2010 Getting ready to leave Shriners...

These are pics of Mary getting ready to leave the Shriners and positioning in the van for the ride home.
love the HOTT PINK LEGS.

Mary July 27th, 2010 Day of Surgery at Shriners

My Angel recovering from her double leg surgery. I was so scared and was very happy when she came out safely. Then she wanted her helped some since she had to deal with alot of pain. She did ALOT of gurgling which ment she was hurting bad. She is a champ I must say. It broke my heart to see her in so much pain.

Mary 2010 Surgery at The Shriners

 This is Mary when she got admitted and she was given a Build a Bear, isnt it adorable...she will get another outfit to go on her bear when she gets re-admitted for Physical Therapy. Very cool!!

Then the pic of Mary chilling and listening to her new IPOD Nano that she got from her GREAT-Grandma Jean and Grandma Janice and Grandpa Everette for her 11th birthday. She has lots of music to listen to thanks to Kayla who helped me figure out how to download...SHE LOVES IT!

Mary 2010 Summer Time

Mary got to hang out with Ms. Deborah and her new pool. Mary had a blast as always when she gets to hang out at her house. Ms. Deborah is so sweet and loving to Mary, she is so lucky to have good people in her life. Then she got an Happy Meal from McDonalds from Tommy, her son. It is so cute, Mary is like a little Princess when she is visiting.

Mary 2009 at The Shriners for her Motion Analysis Test

This is how the Shriners found out how and what to do on her legs for surgery . Pretty intersesting...she did really good.

Mary 2009 Her July Birthday

This is Mary for her 10th birthday. We went to New Bern, NC and went to CICI's pizza. If you look closely at her face pic you will see left over pizza...haha

Mary 2008 GAME COCK FAN !!!

This is Mary wearing her GAMECOCK and her baby too...She went to visit her Aunt Jan in NE Columbia,SC...And please dont forget she has her purse...haha

Mary 2007...This is what Cute looks like.......

This is Mary in 2007, she is so cute just like her shirt says. Then she looks like a pro on the horse.

Mary 2006 BUILD A BEAR

This was in 2006, Mary's classmate Anna and her family were loving enough to buy the class build a bears. Mary had a blast and as you can see she loves her bear.

Valentine's Day 2009

This is Mary and I on Valentine's Day 2009, in Columbia,SC. She is so sweet and loving.

Harvest Festival 2009

This is a previous pic of Mary and I. We were at the Harvest Festival at our church Center Pointe Community Church, Lexington, SC. She was an orange M&M, she LOVES M&M's. We had a good time as always at our church functions. Isn't she beautiful.....

God Blessed me with Mary

I made this blog for my daughter, Mary, who is currently 11 yrs old. She is a blessing for sure. She was born with a heart defect and required open heart surgery at 6 days of age. We have been through a long journey at this point. It has been truely worth it. She is a special Angel from God!! I hope you enjoy our journey with us. This is all about my girl who I love so much.